Happy Valentines Day from DDB China

The 7th day of the 7th lunar month is Qixi Festival aka Valentine’s Day in China – also known as the 4th of August. Every year, DDB China Group partners with its key clients to create its version of Superbowl campaigns.

This year’s campaigns included Danish cider brand Somersby, French beer brand 1664, and Swedish car brand Polestar.

Popular Chinese actor Jingting Bai led the launch of a new Watermelon flavour for Somersby, calling on fans to add a little sweetness to their lives.

1664 joined hands with global spokesperson Dilraba (迪丽热巴) to promote its cranberry and passion fruit flavours in a new TVC peppered with French charm.

Polestar also got in on the action with a drive-in movie experience. The Swedish car brand enticed fans to invite a special guest and drive a Polestar2 to enjoy an open-air movie screening in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.

Polestar DDB China Group



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