Celebrating Singaporeans’ unity amidst diversity: StarHub’s Majulah Moms
The Challenge
Singapore — a country of migrants both old and new — has built its success on the ingenuity, diversity and unity of its citizens.
So for National Day 2016, StarHub wanted to remind Singaporeans that our nation’s diversity is a strength to be celebrated, not a weakness to be feared.
The Insight
Singapore has historically been defined by its 4 main ethnic groups — the Chinese, Malays, Indians, and Eurasians. But today, it’s grown infinitely more diverse.
Underneath our colourful skin tones and varied accents, however, lies a simple truth — what ultimately defines and unites us as Singaporeans is a common spirit that drives us onward.
It’s not about where you come from but where you’re going to.
The Idea & Execution:
We wanted to capture that very rare Singapore blend of diversity and unity. Better yet, stir Singaporeans to open up their minds about a more inclusive society ahead.
We got the message through by going back to something undeniably Singaporean – our National Anthem — Majulah Singapura (which means ‘Onwards Singapore’). Sung by Singaporeans so often, rarely do we pause to reflect on it’s meaning. Yet, embedded in its lyrics is Singapore’s unique recipe for happiness, prosperity and progress — that indomitable spirit of Majulah that drives us onward — regardless of race, language or religion.
The music video featured those who indisputably shape Singapore’s future: 51 Singaporean mothers of different races and backgrounds, who while on different paths, share one common journey — a brighter future for Singapore.
It captured the personal journeys of some of the moms including a naturalised Singaporean who left Mexico to find happiness and peace, and the 51-year old mom of national sailor Yukie Yokoyama. The film concludes with an apt reminder, ‘Because it’s never been about where we’re from. It’s about where we’re going together.’
A ‘Making Of’ video gave more depth to the stories of the featured moms.
StarHub is also spurring its customers into action: customers can redeem 51 StarHub Rewards Points for a $5 donation to Daughters of Tomorrow (DOT), a local charity that supports underprivileged mothers to raise their children.
The Results
Within a little over a week, ‘Majulah Moms’ garnered over 1.6 million views on YouTube and Facebook, plus another 22,000 views for the ‘Making Of’ video.
The campaign has been covered by Straits Times, Lianhe Wanbao and Marketing Interactive.

Special mentions were received from public figures including ministers Mr Khaw Boon Wan, Mr Yaacob Ibrahim, Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, Ambassador at Large Mr Bilahair Kausikan, Member of Parliaments Sim Anna and Kuik Shiao-Yin.

Industry leaders that have endorsed it include Founder and CEO at 99.co Mr Darius Cheung, Senior Director at A* STAR Mr Ng Choong Peng and Founder of GoodStuph Ms Pat Law.
The public loved it, reposting the video with the video’s end line. Some even proclaimed it as the best rendition of ‘Majulah Singapura’ given a modern remake.
After all, this country keeps on looking forward ahead.
Majulah Singapura!