As Singaporean as Nasi Lemak and NS Men
The Opportunity
Over almost 40 years, McDonald’s has become a part of the social fabric of this country. Most of us grew up with McDonald’s, across our teenage and adult years, even brought it home to our kids and families – it’s become a rite of passage in our national and family life.
So for Singapore’s 52nd National Day, McDonald’s decided to give this country its ultimate salute – an iconic burger as Singaporean as Nasi Lemak*.
*For non-Singaporean audience, nasi lemak is a Malay rice with meat meal, richly coconut-flavored, loved by all races. You cannot possibly be a Singaporean and not love nasi lemak.
The Idea
McDonald’s paid homage to what makes a Singaporean, Singaporean – by creating a uniquely-Singaporean burger inspired by our rich, diverse and well-loved local cuisine: The “Nasi Lemak” Burger.
Imagine, a crispy coconut-flavoured chicken thigh with a cornflake crunch, topped with a freshly fried egg, caramelized onions and a drizzle of sweet yet spicy sambal. Sedap!
And we conveyed this product with emotional brand character, from McDonald’s to the Singaporean family, proudly brought home to them by that favourite son of Singapore, the iconic NS ‘boy’ (aptly so, as we celebrated NS50).
It’s a creatively-Singaporean product told in a creative brand story.
A 45-sec brand spot featured the homecoming of our NS boy, having completing his basic military training, with a surprising twist: With his first paycheque, he’s brought home a treat from McDonald’s, a gift that keeps on giving.
Where home is where the hearts are. And nothing beats sharing love, laughter and a delicious treat with the family.
It was a moving tribute to Singapore and all things Singaporean, very simply put – everything we do is ‘Just for you’. From our innovation, our staff commitment, our love for the community and now, with a creative product made specially for Singapore…

The Results
It proved to be a delicious hit for the nation, as the “Nasi Lemak” burger beat all-time records to be Singapore’s best-selling burger.
Especially for the NS Men, who lapped it all up, as the nation celebrates 50 years of National Service.
One exciting product innovation, one emotional brand story, one encouraging sales run.
From McDonald’s to all Singaporeans.
Happy National Day.