Bringing the real pain on dengue
Over the years, dengue continues to be an ever-prevalent disease in Singapore. The war against dengue rages on, and we want Singaporeans to keep up the fight. And we did just that, by keeping it real.
The Idea
We took real-life testimonials from dengue patients and visualised their pain (quite literally) for all of Singapore to see. From analogies of gums bleeding as if one went multiple rounds in a boxing match, to rashes that felt like razor-sharp pricks from a cactus — we pulled no punches with this one.

And we didn’t just stop there. We crafted an acronym that made it easy for Singaporeans to readily recall the five steps to prevent Aedes mosquito breeding: B-L-O-C-K.

On-ground, we kept our residents informed of dengue clusters by placing colour-coded community banners in every neighbourhood.

The Results
Our survey showed that 83% of the sample size had come across our campaign, and that’s not all, the campaign scored high on memorability and ease of understanding. With an integrated omni-pronged campaign, and high-impact key visuals adapted across different media, this campaign was the buzz of the town.